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1、20102011 学年黑龙江省虎林市八零五农场学校初一上学期期末考试英语卷 其他 The reading room _ very quiet. I enjoy reading books there. A am B is C are D be 答案: B 【小题 1】 Shall we play basketball tomorrow A. For five hours 【小题 2】 Have you ever been to an aquarium B. Yes, it is. 【小题 3】 How long have you been skating C. Sorry, Im busy t

2、omorrow. 【小题 4】 Its windy today, isnt it D. No, I havent 【小题 5】 Lets go shopping then. E. OK. Ill meet you at the shopping center at 10 oclock 答案: 【小题 1】 C 【小题 2】 D 【小题 3】 A 【小题 4】 B 【小题 5】 E 1. 本题问明天我们去打篮球么?四个答案 :中有 C提到明天:对不起,我明天很忙,故选 C。 2. 本题用的是完成时 have+过去分词提问,是一个一般疑问句,意思为:你曾经去过水族馆吗?回答时我们用 Yes或 No

3、来作答,也要用完成时,故选 D。 3. 本题考查现在完成进行时,问时间的长度,我们用 for+时间来作答。题目问:你滑冰有多长时间了?答:有五个小时了。故选 A。 4. 本题是个反意疑问句,用的是 isnt it来反问,故回答与 be动词 is有关,选 B。 5. 本题是个表建议的句子,意为:那么我们一起去购物吧。 E 符合语境:好的,我将十点在购物中心见你。选 E。 New rules and behaviour standards(行为规范 )for middle school students 1 (come) out in March. Middle school is going t

4、o use a new way_2_(decide) who the top students are. The best students wont only have high marks .They will also _3_(are) kids who dont dye (染 )their hair, smoke or drink ,Here are some of the new rules. Tell the truth. Have you ever _4_(copy) someone elses work on an exam Don do it again! Thats not

5、 honest .If you have played computer games for two hours in your room , dont tell your parents that you have done homework. Do more at school. Good students love animals and care for other people. April is Bird-loving Month in our country .Is your school_5_ (do) anything to celebrate You should join

6、! That way ,you can learn more about animals and how _6_(protect) them .Have you ever quarreled(吵架 ) with your teammates when your basketball team lost Only working together can make your team stronger .Be friendly to people you are with .Try _7_(thought)of others ,not only yourself. Be open to new

7、ideas. Have you ever thought that people could live on the moon?Perhaps youll _8_(discover) Earth II someday. Dont look down at anyone. Everyones ideas are important. You should welcome them, because new ideas make life better for everyone, Protect yourself. Has someone taken money from one of your

8、classmates Dont let it_9_ (happenes) to you .If you have to go home late, you should let your parents know. Use the Internet carefully .The Internet can be very useful for your studies .But some things on the Internet_10_(not be) for kids ,so try to look at Web pages that are good for you .you can u

9、se the Web for fun or homework. 答案: .came 2. to decide 3. be 4. copied 5. doing 6. to protect 7.to think 8.discover 9.happen 10. arent Will it matter if you dont take your breakfast A short time ago, a test w_1_ given in the United Stated. People of different a_2_, From 12 to 83, were asked to have

10、a test. During the test, these people were given all kinds of breakfasts and s_3_they got no breakfast at all. Scientists wanted to see how well t_4_bodies worked when they had different kinds of breakfasts. The results show that if a person e_5_a right breakfast, he or she will work better than if

11、he or she has no breakfast. If a student has fruit, eggs, bread and milk b_6_going to school, he will learn more quickly a_7_listen more carefully in class. The results a_8_ show that having no breakfast will not h_9_ you lose weight. This is because people become so h_10_at noon that they eat too m

12、uch for lunch, So they will gain weight instead of losing weight. 1_ 2_ 3_ 4_ 5_ 6_ 7_ 8_ 9_ 10_ 答案: was 2 ages 3 sometimes 4 their 5 eats 6 before 7 and 8 also 9 help 10 hungry A farm is always a busy place. One of the busiest things is when the farmer is getting land ready to grow plants. If the f

13、armer is going to grow wheat, he has to turn the ground over first. The farmer drives up and down the paddock(草地) on tractor(拖拉机) . When the ground is ready, the farmer sows the seeds. He does this with a machine that the tractor pulls along. Now, one farm and one machine can do as much a day as twe

14、nty men used to do without a machine. After the wheat has been sown, the farmer keeps a lookout(守望) for rain. Wheat needs rain and warm sunny days to make it grow. When the wheat has grown, it turns to a lovely golden colour. When the wheat is fully grown, you can see the seeds on the wheat plants.

15、These have to be out off and put in bags or big trucks to be taken to a factory where they are made into flour(面粉) . Its a very busy time on farm when the wheat is being cut. Everyone helps so that all the wheat can be taken from the paddocks before the rain comes. If heavy rain falls, the farm must

16、 wait for the ground dry out before the machine can cut the wheat. Farmers always have a lot to do through the year. 1. What is the busiest thing _ 2. What does the farmer have to do when he is going to grow wheat _ 3. Why was much more time spent on sowing in the past _ 4. What does farmer not need

17、 when they cut wheat _ 5. Does everyone help to cut the wheat _ 答案: 1. The busiest thing is when the farmer is getting ready to grow plants. 2. He has to turn the ground over first. 3. Because there were no machines. 4. Farmers do not need rain. 5. Yes. 1.根据 One of the busiest things is when the far

18、mer is getting land ready to grow plants.可知最繁忙的事情时当农民开始种植时。 2.根据 If the farmer is going to grow wheat, he has to turn the ground over first可知他首先要翻地,故答案:为: He has to turn the ground over first。 3.由 one farm and one machine can do as much a day as twenty men used to do without a machine可知以前没有使用机器,故为:

19、Because there were no machines。 4.根据 If heavy rain falls, the farm must wait for the ground dry out before the machine can cut the wheat.可知如果下大雨的话,农民得等地面干了才能用机器来收割小麦,故不需要雨水,答案:为: Farmers do not need rain。 5.此题为一般疑问句,根据 Everyone helps so that all the wheat can be taken from. 可知每个人都得帮忙去收割小麦,故答案:为: Yes

20、。 新年要来了。你将送给朋友什么礼物呢?你是怎样看待友谊的呢?你明年有什么计划?请围绕这些内容,展开联想,写一篇文章。要求:语言流畅,逻辑清晰,用词准确, 80-100字左右。 提示:可以用到的词或短语: gift, different people, special,spend, friendship (友谊 ) 答案:略 Some volunteers from Beijing arrived in Shanghai _ April 29 to work for the World Expo. A on B at C of D to 答案: A 单项选择 * I go out and pl

21、ay football after lunch No, you . A. Do; mustnt B. May; may not C.May; mustnt 答案: C Wang Fei usually at half past six in the morning. But tomorrow he at six. A. gets up; is going to get up B.gets up; gets up C. is getting up; gets up 答案: A We _ in this school for about two years . A. study B. studie

22、d C. have studied 答案: C The pen is Toms. Lets it him. A. give; to B. give; for C. to give; with 答案: A We are busy the farmers the harvest. A. help; at B. to help; with C. helping; with 答案: C There a meeting tomorrow afternoon. A. is going to be B. is going to have C. are going to be 答案: A _ I finish

23、 middle school , Ill go to a vocational school . A. Before B. When C. After 答案: C Tom and Mike are good friends. _ often help each others. A They B Them C Their D Theirs 答案: A We already enjoyed on the farm. A. work B. working C. worked 答案: B _ do you want to be when you grow up A. What B. How C. Wh

24、o 答案: A -Could you please tell me something about your travel in Sydney A Excuse me B Its very nice pf you to say so C Certainly, Ill be glad to D No, I dont like it 答案: C I like the green coat , _ my mother likes the red one better . A. and B. but C. so 答案: B Mr. Smith _ an hour on this work . A. s

25、pent B. took C. paid 答案: A Would you like to go to the park with us . Its than having class. A. OK; more better B OK; more better C. Sure; much better 答案: C When did the Whites reach Beijing They reached Beijing the afternoon of June 15. A. in B. on C. at 答案: B Mike didnt go back to his hometown las

26、t year, he No, he . A. didnt; did B. did; did C. did; didnt 答案: C You must yourself and keep . Thank you. A. look for; healthy B. look after; healthy C. look at; health 答案: B 完型填空 The Spring Festival is the 36 New. Years Day. It usually comes 37 February. Everyone in China 38 the Spring Festival ver

27、y much. 39 the Spring Festival comes, Wei Fang usually 40 her parents 41 their house, 42 do some shopping and 43 housework. _44 that day everyone in China 45 Jiaozi , New Years cake and 46 other delicious food. Wei Fang likes New Years cake, but 47 parents say Jiaozi is 48 than New Years cake. Many

28、49 usually wear new clothes on Spring Festival. The Chinese people eat the New Years cakes and Jiaozi 50 their house. How happy they are! 【小题 1】 A. China B. Chinese C. English 【小题 2】 A. in B.on C. at 【小题 3】 A. like B. is like C. likes 【小题 4】 A. After B. How C. When 【小题 5】 A. help B. is helping C. he

29、lps 【小题 6】 A. clean B. cleans C. cleaning 【小题 7】 A. but B. / C. so 【小题 8】 A. some B. other C. others 【小题 9】 A. In B. On C. At 【小题 10】 A. eats B. is eating C. eating 【小题 11】 A. any B. much C. some 【小题 12】 A. hers B. she C. her 【小题 13】 A. nice B. more nice C. nicer 【小题 14】 A. child B. children C. boys

30、 【小题 15】 A. in B. over C. on 答案: 【小题 1】 B 【小题 1】 A 【小题 1】 C 【小题 1】 C 【小题 1】 C 【小题 1】 A 【小题 1】 B 【小题 1】 B 【小题 1】 A 【小题 1】 A 【小题 1】 C 【小题 1】 C 【小题 1】 C 【小题 1】 B 【小题 1】 A 【小题 1】 B 春节是中国人的新年。 Chinese 中国的,中国人的,形容词作定语。 【小题 1】 A春节在二月份。月份前用 in. 【小题 1】 C在中国的每个人都非常喜欢春节。 everyone 每个人,强调单数,用第三人称单数形式。 【小题 1】 C当春

31、节到来的时候, when当时。 【小题 1】 C 魏芳通常帮助父母打扫屋子。第三人称单数一般现在时用 helps. 【小题 1】 A help sb. do(动词原形) sth. 帮助某人做某事 【小题 1】 B和 clean一样,都做 help的宾补用动词原形。 【小题 1】 B 和其它的家务。 other 其它的( others 其它,其 余。做主语和宾语) 【小题 1】 A在过年那天, in that day. 【小题 1】 A 每个人都吃饺子,强调单数,用 eats. 【小题 1】 C 其它一些美味食品。表示肯定用 some. 【小题 1】 C 她的父母 用 her. 【小题 1】 C

32、 她的父母说饺子比新年蛋糕好吃。 nice比较级的比较级直接加 r. 【小题 1】 B 在新年这天孩子们都穿新衣服。 children 孩子们。 【小题 1】 A 在他们的屋里 In their house. 阅读理解 A man once had a dream about the Black Forest in Germany. In his dream he was walking in the forest when two men ran out and tried to throw him to the ground. He ran off as fast as he could,

33、but they followed him. He reached a place where he saw two road in front of him,one to the right and the other to the left. Which road should he take He heard the two men behind him, getting nearer, and at the same time he heard a voice in his ear. It told him to go to the right,and he did so. He ra

34、n on and soon came to a small hotel. He was received there kindly and given a room,and he was saved from the two men. That was the dream. Twenty years later he was really in the Black Forest and , as happened in the dream long ago, two men ran out and tried to throw him down. He ran off, and came to

35、 a place with two roads, like in the dreams. He remembered the dream and took the road to the right. He soon reached a small hotel , was taken in, and so was safe. His dream of twenty years before had saved his life. 【小题 1】 The Black Forest is _. A a place in Germany B not a real place C Invented by

36、 the writer D a place in Britain 【小题 2】 When he was walking in the forest,_ran after him. A two dogs B two tigers C two men D two women 【小题 3】 Finally he came to_. A a forest B another road C another dream D a small hotel 【小题 4】 It was_that saved the mans life 20 years later. A a voice B the dream C

37、 someone else D God 【小题 5】 The story tells us that_. A a dream may come true some time later B a dream is always a dream C people should not believe their dreams D people should always believe their dreams 答案: 【小题 1】 A 【小题 1】 C 【小题 1】 D 【小题 1】 B 【小题 1】 A 【小题 1】根据第一段 A man once had a dream about the

38、Black Forest in Germany. 描述 ,可知这是德国的一个地方 .故选 A. 【小题 1】根据第一段 In his dream he was walking in the forest when two men ran out and tried to throw him to the ground. He ran off as fast as he could,but they followed him. 描述 ,可知选 C. 【小题 1】根据 He ran on and soon came to a small hotel. 描述 ,可知选 D. 【小题 1】根据短文第二

39、段 His dream of twenty years before had saved his life.描述 ,可知是这个梦救了他一命 ,故选 B. 【小题 1】这篇短文主要告诉了我们梦有 时候能够成为现实 ,故选 A. Are you carrying too much on your back at school Youre not alone. Back experts in the United States are worried that young students are having back and neck problems as a result of carryi

40、ng too much in their backpacks (schoolbags) “It hurts my back when I run,”said Oberlin Reyes, a student in Virginia. “Its hard to go up the stairs with my backpack,because its too heavy,” Oberlin was among students whose backpacks were weighed for a week in a recent study. They had regular backpacks

41、 with two straps(带子 )to carry them, but a number of students with heavy loads had switched to rolling backpacks (which have wheels and can roll on the ground). Shirley Park, whose backpack weighed 10 kilograms,said she changed to a rolling backpack because she was starting to have back pain. How muc

42、h is too much Experts say students should carry no more than 10 to 15 percent of their own body weight. A few students had one suggestion to lighten the load:less homework. P.S.( 附 )Doctors suggestion: 1 Lighten the load. Clean out binders(活页材料 )and take home only the books you need that night. 2 Wi

43、de straps are better. They send out the weight over your shoulders more evenly(均匀 )。 And be sure to wear both straps rather than hanging the pack over one shoulder. 3. Pack smart. The heavier things should be packed closed to the back. 4.Bend both knees when you pich up the pack ,and dont just bend

44、over at the waist.(腰 ) 【小题 1】 “_”is the main idea of the text. A The problem of backpacks is worth studying. B The problem made by heavy backpacks C What is the best backpack for a student. D How to make studentsbackpacks light. 【小题 2】 According to Oberlin Reyes and Shirley Park, we know_. A student

45、s have to do too much homework B students have to carry several backpacks C backpacks without wheels are bad for students D too much homework leaves students no free time 【小题 3】 The expression “switched to” in the text perhaps means_. A started to use B turned to C caught up D used for 【小题 4】 Accord

46、ing to the passage ,its better for a student of 40 kilograms to carry a backpack of _at most by the words of experts. A 10kg B 8kg C 6kg D 7kg 【小题 5】 If students follow the doctors suggestions they _. A may lighten their backpacks B can learn how to help themselves C may feel their backpacks are lig

47、hter D will know how to wear backpacks 答案: 【小题 1】 D 【小题 2】 A 【小题 3】 A 【小题 4】 C 【小题 5】 C 【小题 1】本文主要谈论了美国学生们的书包里所背的东西太多太重,如何才能使学生们的书包减轻,故本题选 D。 【小题 2】本文中有一句为 A few students had one suggestion to lighten the load:less homework.所表示的含义为学生有太多的作业从来导致 书包太重,故本题选 A。 【小题 3】本文第三段最后一句为 a number of students with heavy loads had switched to rolling backpacks 所表示的含义许多背着很重东西的学生开始使用可以在地上转动的书包,所以 “switched to”的含义为开始使用的含义,故本题选 A。 【小题 4】本文中有一句为 Experts say students should carry no more than 10 to 15 percent of their own body weight.,所表示的含义为学生们所背的东西重量不要超过自身重量的百分之 10到 15,所以 40公斤的学生背的东西重量不要超过 6公斤,


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