Chapter 28The Female Reproductive System.ppt

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1、1,Chapter 28 The Female Reproductive System,Sex Differentiation Female Anatomy Female Physiology,2,Sex Differentiation Male & female are indistinguishable for the first 10 weeks of development. Females develops due to absence of testosterone hormone causing degeneration of the male anatomical struct

2、ures,MALE Testes Sperm Scrotum Penis,FEMALE Ovaries Egg Labia Majora Clitoris,3,Ovaries- egg makers, resemble unshelled almonds,Histology: (Superficial to deep) 1. Germinal epithelium- skin of the ovary 2. Tunica albugunea- just inside of the above 3. Ovarian cortex- contains ovarian follicles (Wher

3、e the action is!) 4. Ovarian medulla- middle of ovary, blood vessels are found Remember: Gerry to AL: “Court me!”,4,3 Major portions of the fallopian tube near uterus forms a narrow isthmus middle portion is body (ampulla) flared distally into infundibulum,Uterine or FallopianTubes (Oviducts),5,Plum

4、bing,The ovaries hang close to the fallopian tubes, but do not connect directly, this area of the tube is called the infundibulum These tubes are 4 inches long, their purpose in life is to transport eggs to the uterus The ampulla, the lateral part of the tube is where fertilization usually occurs. F

5、ertilization must occur within 24 hours of ovulation. In seven days the fertilized egg called a Zygote arrives in the uterus,6,The Uterus,Inverted pear, top= fundus middle= bodybottom= cervix which has an open called the osthat leads from the vagina to the uterus,Uterus or womb has many purposes: Pa

6、thway for sperm to reach fallopian tubes Site of menstruation (inner uterine layer is the endometrium) Site of implantation of fertilized ovum Development of the fetus (0ven),7,Feminine Ligaments,A series of ligaments hold the ovaries in place: Broad ligament (watch who you callin) of the uterus- pa

7、rt of the parietal peritoneum, attaches to the ovaries Ovarian ligament- anchors the ovaries to the uterus Suspensory ligament- binds the ovaries to the pelvic wall,8,Vagina or Birth Canal,The Vagina has many purposes: Passageway for menstrual flow Passageway for child birth Passageway for semen The

8、 vagina is inferior to the uterus, it attaches at the fornix, rugae line the vagina Acidic- to retard bacterial growth but harmful to sperm (but semen neutralizes this) Hymen- a border around the orifice of the vagina, partially closing it,9,Female External Genitalia,Vulva- (pudendum)- refers to the

9、 external genitals of the female: Mons Pubis- (mons= mountains)- area of pubic hair Labia majoria- (labia= lips, majus= large)- outer lips of genitals Labia minora- inner lips of genitals Clitoris- anterior mass of erectile tissue between labia majus and minus,10,Two Triangle, One Diamond,The perine

10、um is a diamond-shaped area between the pubic symphysis and the coccyx, composed of muscles A line drawn between the ischial bones divides the diamond into two triangles The anterior triangle is the urogenital triangle, containing the external genitalia The posterior triangle is the anal triangle Wh

11、at exercise strengthen the perineum?,11,The Breasts,Two mammary glands are modified sudoriferous glandsinstead of sweat they produce sweet milk Anterior to the pectoralis major muscles Axillary tail in armpit contains many lymphatic vessels, common site of breast cancer Smooth muscle can contract ca

12、using wrinkling of the skin & erecting the nipple in response to cold, touch or arousal,12,Anatomy of Breast,Suspensory ligaments of the breast are called Coopers ligaments, bras counter- Coops Droop Around the nipple is a circular colored area called the areola (not made of _ tissue), this is modif

13、ied sebaceous (oil) glands, darken during pregnancy,13,Anatomy of Lactating Breast,Milk emerges through the nipple from the lactiferous ducts of the breast of the lactating women,14,Path of Milk,Through the process of lactation (milk production) the mammary glands create, secrete and eject milk Milk

14、 forms in the lobules, then flows to the secondary tubules, mammary ducts, lactiferous sinus, lactiferous ducts then out the nipple (LoST MD to LS,D) Lactation is hormonally controlled. Prolactin is the major hormone involved, as the name implies. Oxytocin is responsible for the ejection of milk fro

15、m the nipple in response to infants suckling,15,Breast Milk,Cows milk is not a good substitute for human milk decreased fat and increased protein, human milk is increased fat, decreased protein. Why? harder to digest & more nitrogenous waste (diaper rash) 10% of women become pregnant again while nur

16、sing,Lactation- secretion and ejection of milk Oxytocin- hormone that causes the release of milk Colostrum- antibody rich pre-milk appears the first four days, one of the important reasons mothers should, at least, attempt breastfeeding Advantages for the kid: decreased heart disease, allergies, can

17、cer, GI problems and infections Advantages for mom: decreased breast CA and osteoporosis, weight loss,16,Oogensis and the Sexual Cycle,Oogenesis- Formation of eggs in the ovaries Primary oocytes (first eggs)- develop at infancy. About 400 primary oocytes will ovulate during a womans reproductive lif

18、e. Sexual cycle - events recurring every month when pregnancy does not occur ovarian cycle = events in the ovaries menstrual cycle = parallel changes in the uterus,17,Ovary Events F (sun burst) L A (Follicle, ovulation, corpus Luteum, corpus Albicans),18,3 Parts of Female Reproduction,This starts in

19、 the female at menarche (men- arc) and stops at menopause (menses pause) Lasts about a month (avg.), the phases are: 1. Follicular phase Menstrual phase Preovulatory phase 2. Ovulation 3. Postovulation phase,19,Ovarian Cycle - Follicular Phase,From beginning of menstruation (day 1) to ovulation(14)

20、Seldom possible to predict date of ovulation,20,Ovarian Cycle - Menstrual Phase (Part of Follicular Phase),During discharge of menstrual fluid (days 1-5),21,Ovarian Cycle - Preovulatory Phase (Part of Follicular phase),From days 6 to 14, one follicle advances to graafian stage & protrudes from surfa

21、ce of ovary atresia of other follicles occurs with FSH Egg stopped at metaphase II stage of meiosis,22,Ovarian Cycle - Ovulation,Results from a spike of LH (caused by estrogen from follicle) blood flow causes follicle to swell rapidly; collagenase weakens ovarian wall; fluid oozes out with oocyte an

22、d is swept up into uterine tube by fimbriae,23,Ovarian Cycle - Postovulatory Phase,Luteal phase - corpus luteum forms from ruptured follicle under direction of Luteinizing Hormone progesterone stimulates secretory phase of menstrual cycle (in uterus) Premenstrual phase if no pregnancy, corpus luteum

23、 corpus albicans progesterone menstruation,24,Female Hormone Imbalance,Low progesterone: Can cause dysmenorrhea. In the absence of adequate progesterone, the pelvic ligaments do not relax (as they should in preparation for pregnancy) Pain is caused by the pressure on the tight uterian ligamnts durin

24、g menstration Excessive progesterone: Late menses of long duration (32-35 days or longer) usually scanty flow Normal menses should be 3-5 days no more or no less,25,Female Hormone Imbalance,Excessive Estrogen: Heavy menstral flow, lasting 7 days or longer, short cycle (21-22 days not uncommon) Retai

25、ning water, breast soreness Low Estrogen: Very short flow (1-2 days), late peroids,26,Female Sexual Response,27,Female Sexual Response,28,Female Sexual Response,29,Adjustments to Pregnancy,Gestation (pregnancy) lasts an average of 266 days from conception to childbirth Gestational calendar is measur

26、ed from first day of the womans last menstrual period (LMP) Birth is predicted to occur 280 days from LMP 3 three month intervals called trimesters,30,31,After Birth,Mothers anatomy & physiology return to normal in the first 6 weeks after delivery shrinkage of the uterus is called involution breastf

27、eeding promotes involution,32,Baby Planning,Abstain Sterilization Oral contraception IUD Spermatocides Barriers- condoms, diaphragm Sympto-thermal method- family planning body temp, cervical mucus, (problem- fertile 2 days before ovulation),33,Clinical,Inguinal Hernias- turn your head and cough Hyst

28、erectomy- removing the uterus Amenorrhea, Dysmenorrhea Breast CA in males and females STDs Cervical CA- if you have sex, Uterian CA- nuns, less risk if you have kids Prevention= have kids but dont have sex,34,Signs of Ovulation,4 signs of egg release 1. Cervical mucus change* Egg white 2. Basal temperature increases* Increases a degree, first AM temperature 3. LH surges This is one day after ovulation 4. Pain Mittelschmerz- German for pain in the middle *Best time for pregnancy is within 24 hours of these,


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