
三种:( )、( )、( )。(分数:2.00)_3.义项是词的( )。只有一个义项的词是( ),具有两个或两个以上义项的词是( )。(分数:2.00)_4.语义场的种类有( )、( )、( )。(分数:2.00)_5.外来词也叫( ),是( ),现代汉语中的外来词有以下几种类型:( )、( )、(


1、三种: .分数:2.003.义项是词的 .只有一个义项的词是 ,具有两个或两个以上义项的词是 .分数:2.004.语义场的种类有 .分数:2.005.外来词也叫 ,是 ,现代汉语中的外来词有以下几种类型: .分数:2.00。

2、词,沙发是 词,姥姥是 词.分数:2.003.确定语素可以采用 .区别词和语素的方法是 .分数:2.004.同音词是 都相同的词,它可以分为 和 两大类.分数:2.005.词和词汇是 的关系.分数:2.006。

3、的要素.分数:2.003.意义实在在合成词内的位置不固定的粘着语素和自由语素是 .分数:2.004.义素是 ,也就是词义的 ,所以又叫 或 .分数:2.005.基本词汇具有 性 性 性三个主要特点.分数:2.006.惯用语是。

4、的 .分数:2.003.复合式合成词的类型有 .分数:2.004.有一个义项是基本的常用的,这个义项是 ,其他的义一般是由这个义项直接或间接地发展变化来的,这些义项就是 .分数:2.005.反义词是指 的词.反义词有两类: .分数:2.00。

5、nglishDModern English2 The definition of a word comprises the following points . 1 a minimal free form of a language 2 a。

6、ena AFather.B Fire.C Evil.DOld.2 The differences between sound and form are due to the following EXCEPT. Athe fact of mo。

7、appealD.conduct2.In the early 20th century, at the advent of the telephone, it was considered a superfluous instrument 。

8、D.2.The reason for that more and more differences occur between sound and form is that the English alphabet was adopted。

9、r disciplines and academic areas. AtechnicalB artisticC differentDacademic3 Which of the following words does not belong。

10、aningfulC vocalDlarge2 In spite of the differences, at least percent of the English words fit consistent spelling patter。

11、 specialized vocabularies by which members of particular arts, sciences, trades and professions communicate among themse。

12、content words and functional words, which of the following statements is not true AContent words include nouns, verbs, a。

13、between sound and form is that the English alphabet was adopted from the . APacificsB GermanicsC CelticsDRomans3 are wor。

14、refer to the total number of the words in a languageC it can represent all the words used in a certain historical period。

15、llocabilityC productivityDall the above3 The words like decor, bazaar, status quo are. AdenizensB aliensC translationloa。

16、cording to the following criteria except. AnotionB use frequencyC foundationDorigin3 Which types of words belong to func。

17、ve obviouscharacteristics. AthreeB fourC fiveDsix3 Which are the features of native words AAll national characters.B Neu。

18、 .5 词义具有 性 性 性等基本特性.6 现代汉语词典主要采用 检字法.7 自由语素8 简称9 理性义10 比喻义11 反义义场12 隐语13 词汇单位主要包括哪些14 举例说明义项的分类.15 简要说明同义词的作用.16 什么是外来词。

19、词叫做 .合成词是由 语素构成的词.分数:2.003.意义不实在在合成词内位置固定在前或在后的粘着语素是 .分数:2.004.语义场就是通过 的对比,根据它们词义的 或 划分出来的类.分数:2.005.古语词包括 和 两类.分数:2.00。

20、denote the most important concepts2 Im sure that they will come today. There arecontent words in the above sentence. A2B。

标签 > 考研类试卷语词汇-试卷6及答案解析[编号:330147]

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