IPv6 in Europe-6NET and Euro6IX.ppt

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1、IPv6 in Europe: 6NET and Euro6IX,Tim Chown, University of Southampton (UK) tjcecs.soton.ac.ukInternet 2 Spring Member Meeting Arlington, 7th May 2002,IPv6 overview,Successor to IPv4, with 128-bit addressing e.g. 2001:0630:1fff:0080:dead:beef:baad:cafe Improves scalability, client reachability Hierar

2、chical addressing from outset e.g. single route advertised for JANET Auto configuration (“plug and ping”) Well-suited to ad-hoc networking IPsec implementation “mandated” Better support for Mobile IP than in IPv4,Why university/HE interest?,Deploy to support research activities Mainly in CS departme

3、nts, not campuses Gain understanding of deployment issues Next generation application support No NATs, restoration of end to end principle IPv6 may be important for GRID activities Potential for ADSL+802.11b+IPv6 to the home Outreach, home working/learning 3G set to use IPv6 (in 3GPP Release 5) IPv6

4、 needed for open access to handsets,Peer to Peer (p2p),Current Internet has client-server focus Web, e-mail, etc. Clients in homes/SMEs, servers on globally addressable Internet NAT generally works in this environment Future trend client-client, or p2p VoIP, messaging, file sharing, gaming, GRID, Im

5、plies all devices globally addressable Deployment of servers in the home E.g. multiple web cams, home appliances/data NAT adds significant complexity in this case,Implementations,Windows XP/.NET *BSD Linux Solaris 8+ Symbian OS (PDA) Compaq Tru64 AIX 4.3+ HP/UX 11.0+ Irix,Cisco IOS Juniper Hitachi *

6、BSD Zebra, ZebOS Ericsson Telebit 6WIND (inc. ADSL) 3Com +others,IPv6 integration and transition,How can IPv4 and IPv6 co-exist? Includes IPv4 and IPv6 systems communicating Different transition aspects and tools Site transition ISP (MAN or NREN) transition Need to understand relationships between t

7、ools Wide range of proposed tools in IETF IETF now identifying deployment scenarios How to deploy IPv6 in an IPv4 network Includes DNS, firewalls, email, .,End user+site IPv6 connectivity,The basics for an end user/site Certainly a host that supports IPv6 And ideally a router supporting IPv6 Can run

8、 IPv6-only, but most likely dual stack An IPv6 connection to wider IPv6 Internet Need an upstream provider Link probably tunnelled in IPv4, possibly native IPv6 address space Inherited from/allocated by upstream provider All the above now becoming easy to obtain,Tunnel brokers for single hosts,Can c

9、onnect with one single host using an IPv6 tunnel broker Needs to be dual stack IPv4 and IPv6 F is worlds most popular But located in Canada! BTexact Technologies have a UK broker https:/ Bypasses site admin, except for IP tunnel Register at web page, receive script Script creates the tunnel from you

10、r host to the tunnel server,You want to run IPv6 only?,Certainly possible Many routers can run IPv6-only But may need IPv4 if you want, e.g., SNMP. Many hosts can run IPv6-only But issues like DNS lookups over IPv6 Need mechanisms to access IPv4-only sites e.g. NAT-PT or DSTM Want IPv4 sites to be a

11、ble to reach you?,Combining dual-stack/IPv6 only,Place public services on dual-stack servers e.g. web, DNS, FTP, e-mail Use IPv6-only for new applications Aimed at allowing peer-to-peer between IPv6 clients: IPv6 enables the client-server paradigm to be replaced by peer-to-peer. Take care with firew

12、alling Dont let IPv6 testbed be a back door! Put dual stack servers in your IPv4 DMZ,IPv6 addressing and DNS,Receive a network prefix from provider A /48 for a “site” Allows 16 bits of network space with 64 bits of host space, so better than IPv4 Class A prefix. Set up DNS for IPv6 addresses Uses “q

13、uad A” records, e.g. foo IN AAAA 2001:0630:00d0:20: Can have A and AAAA for same host Proposed A6 format no longer mainstream But beware what the applications do here! Get reverse DNS under ip6.int, soon ip6.arpa.,Current IPv6 deployment,Generally tunnelled IPv6 in IPv4 Not structured In many eyes,

14、collaboration = tunnel + peering Tunnel brokers often very (network) remote Lack of regional harmonisation Little experience of large-scale native IPv6 network deployment and operation Hence 6NET and Euro6IX IPv6 backed by European Commission But important deployment is market led,European academic

15、deployment,National (NREN) initiatives e.g. UNINETT, RENATER, DFN, UKERNA Generally deployment and trial focused European Commission funded projects IST 5th Framework 6INIT, 6WINIT, 6NET, Euro6IX, 6LINK, Mixture of research and deployment GANT pan-European deployment GEANT spans 25+ National Researc

16、h Networks Programme includes IPv6 into production Juniper router service in GANT lifetime (by 2004),European Commission and IPv6,IST programme funding 5th Framework just ending At least 15 IPv6-related projects EC funding approaching 100M First project 6INIT (Jan 2000- Apr 2001) Largest projects 6N

17、ET and Euro6IX 6th Framework about to start Cluster for IPv6 projects http:/www.ist-ipv6.org/ Led by 6LINK project: http:/www.6link.org/,EU IPv6 Task Force,Goal to draw up recommendations To industry, to EC, to governments Recommendations to EU Heads of State Heard at meeting in March 2002 Adopt IPv

18、6 and broadband service deployment Deployment must be market-led See http:/www.ipv6-taskforce.org/ Recommendations need to be followed up New IPv6 TF Steering Group Promote and monitor adoption via national TFs,6NET and Euro6IX,EC IST programme, 5th Framework Both projects funded to 8-10M by EC Both

19、 projects have a 3-year duration Run from Jan 1st 2002 to Dec 31st 2004 6NET majors on academic networks High capacity native network spans 11 NRENs Euro6IX focuses on (commercial) telcos Deploying and linking IPv6 exchange points, investigating new (telco) business models,6NET,Major aim is to valid

20、ate IPv6 Led by Cisco, with 31 partners 6NET PoPs are 12404-series routers NREN PoPs are 12404 or 7206 Native IPv6 links: 155Mbit/s rising to 2.5Gbit/s All major NRENs taking part RENATER, DFN, UKERNA, NORDUnet, etc Adding newly associated states: PL, CZ, HU Universities providing end users 6NET net

21、work will be open to other projects,6NET network topology,Technical aspects,Routing IS-IS internal, BGP4+ external Addressing Core takes uses DANTE address space 2001:0798:/40 Detailed info on www.6net.org site Point to point links use /64 prefix NREN networks use own address space RIPE NCC assigned

22、 production prefixes,RIPE-NCC SubTLA allocations,Top level address space under 2001:/16 APNIC 56, ARIN 28, RIPE 59 at May 1st 2002 See http:/ APNIC allocations growing the fastest Common regional registry policies European NRENs with SubTLAs include: CH-SWITCH-19990903 2001:0620:/35 NO-UNINETT-20010

23、406 2001:0700:/35 AT-ACONET-19990920 2001:0628:/35 UK-JANET-19991019 2001:0630:/35 DE-DFN-19991102 2001:0638:/35,SubTLA allocation growth,6NET work packages,WP1 specifies network deployment due by end of May 2002.,6NET staging (WP1),6NET work includes,Services Multicast (initially m6bone, then nativ

24、e) MIPv6 (initially over WLAN) Transition Contribute to IETF ngtrans WG Applications Streaming, conferencing, middleware Management and monitoring Includes RIPE Test Traffic servers Part of full IPv6 NOC for 6NET,Euro6IX,Led by Telefonica/Consulintel 18 partners, mainly the big European telcos 1,300

25、 man months effort Project cost: 15.5M EC contribution: 7.6M Runs Jan 2002 Dec 2004 Focus on IPv6 Internet Exchanges (IXs) Pre-commercial focus Wide variety of router and vendor platforms,Euro6IX goals,Validating IPv6 for NGN Support fast introduction of IPv6 in Europe Determine an appropriate IX ar

26、chitecture Layer 2 or Layer 3? Distributed? Addressing? Research advanced network services Investigating IPv6 business models How telcos mutually benefit from IPv6 IXs Includes application development and user trials Open to ISPs for trials Important to attract applications and end users,Euro6IX lin

27、ks,IPv6 applications,Includes porting framework studies Basic applications/services available now: BIND9, sendmail, Apache, OpenLDAP Most Linux/BSD commands enabled out of box Media applications include MICE tools: vic & rat for videoconferencing ISABEL collaborative working suite VideoLAN: MPEG-2 s

28、treaming (DVDs) 6NET is porting the Globus toolkit to IPv6,GANT IPv6 WG (GTPv6),GANT committed to deploy IPv6 By end of project 2004 Backbone uses Juniper platform Variety of testbed routers Centred around Juniper M5 at RENATER Also Ericsson Telebit, FreeBSD, Cisco, Covers work items not in 6NET Inc

29、ludes some NREN partners not in 6NET See http:/www.ipv6.ac.uk/gtpv6,6WINIT,Focus on mobile, clinical applications Uses IPv6 with GPRS/UMTS Includes MIPv6, IPsec Three clinical sites Also general non-clinical applications Ad-hoc networking, service discovery Sensor applications Conferencing and colla

30、boration See http:/www.6winit.org/,Challenges,Numerous, including Determining appropriate IPv4-IPv6 transition and interworking schemes Delivering broadband access so home and SME services can benefit from IPv6 Delivering native IPv6 network services and applications Attracting IPv6 end users, who p

31、robably will not know they are using IPv6 Deploying without a single killer app! The IPv4 Internet deployed without the Web,In the last 12 months,Vendor IPv6 implementations Hardware support in many routers IPv6 appearing in .NET, in Java IETF standards progressing DHCPv6, MIPv6, . but some holes, e

32、.g. multi6 6NET and Euro6IX kicked off Allowing academic and pre-commercial pilots EU IPv6 Task Force recommendations Importance of IPv6 more widely appreciated BUT need the apps and user communities,The near future,IPv6 support hardening further Hardware support in router platforms OS support - .NE

33、T, Symbian OS, Java, etc IPv6 on NREN networks and GANT By 2003/04 - major benefit from 6NET Will likely be dual stack (already on SURFnet) Application introduction still slow May be accelerated, e.g. by 3G (3GPP R5) Led by deployment in Japan and Asia region IPv4 will be around for a long time,More info,6NET www.6net.org Euro6IX www.euro6ix.org 6LINK and IST IPv6 Cluster www.6link.org, www.ist-ipv6.org UK academic IPv6 deployment www.ipv6.ac.ukNote: the views expressed in this presentation do not necessarily reflect those of the European Commission or the European Community.,


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