1、1,Chapter 11 Introduction to Organic Chemistry: Alkanes,11.3 Alkanes with Substituents,2,Isomers of Butane,Isomers have the same molecular formula. have different atom arrangements. of butane (C4H10) are a straight chain and a branched chain.,3,Alkyl groups,Alkyl groups are alkanes that are missing
2、one H. substituents attached to carbon chains. named with a yl ending.HH C CH3 methyl HH HH C C CH3 CH2 ethyl H H,4,Naming Substituents,In the IUPAC system, a carbon branch is named as an alkyl group. halogen atoms are named as halo.,TABLE 10.6,5,Alkanes with Substituents,CH3 CH3 CH CH3 methylpropan
3、emethyl groupsCH3 CH3CH3 CH CH2 CH CH3 2,4-dimethylpentane,6,Naming Alkanes,Give the name of CH3 CH3 CH3CHCHCH3STEP 1 Name the longest continuous chain. CH3 CH3 CH3CHCHCH3butane,7,Naming Alkanes,Give the name of CH3 CH3 CH3CHCHCH3STEP 2 Number chain. CH3 CH3 CH3CHCHCH31 2 3 4 STEP 3 Locate substitue
4、nts and name. 2,3-dimethylbutane,8,Learning Check,Write the name ofCl CH3 CH3CH2CHCHCH3,9,Solution,STEP 1 Longest chain is pentane.STEP 2 Number chain from end nearest substituent.Cl CH3 CH3CH2CHCHCH35 4 3 2 1STEP 3 Locate substituents and name alphabetically. 3-chloro-2-methylpentane,10,Learning Ch
5、eck,Give the IUPAC name for each of the following:A. CH3 CH3| | CH3CHCH2 CHCH3B. Cl CH3| |CH3CH2CHCH2CCH2CH3|Cl,11,Solution,A. CH3 CH3| | CH3CHCH2 CHCH3 2,4-dimethylpentane1 2 3 4 5B. Cl CH3 more substituents = C3| |CH3CH2CHCH2CCH2CH3|Cl7 6 5 4 3 2 13,5-dichloro-3-methylheptane,12,Learning Check,Dra
6、w the condensed structural formula for 2-bromo-4-chlorobutane.,13,Solution,2-bromo-4-chlorobutane STEP 1 Longest chain has 4 carbon atoms.CCCC STEP 2 Number chain and add substituents.Br C C C C Cl1 2 3 4 STEP 3 Add hydrogen to complete 4 bonds to each C.Br CH3CHCH2CH2Cl,14,Naming Cycloalkanes with Substituents,The name of a substituent is placed in front of the cycloalkane name. methylcyclobutane CH3chlorocyclopentane Cl,15,Learning Check,Name each of the following.1. CH3CH2CH3 2.,16,Solution,Name each of the following.1. methylcyclopropane2. ethylcyclohexane,