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1、考研英语二(作文)模拟试卷 37 及答案与解析Part BDirections: Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following information. (20 points)1 In this section, you are asked to write an essay based on the following information. Make comments and express your own opinion. You should write at least 150 words.手机是如此普及,以致大多数

2、大学生都拥有手机。一些学生甚至在课堂上使用手机来解闷,这可能影响到周围的人。但也有人认为。手机也许可以成为课堂教具之一。你的想法如何?2 In this section, you are asked to write an essay based on the following information. Make comments and express your own opinion. You should write at least 150 words.许多大学生面对写作愁眉不展因为他们不知道如何安排句子或者写什么内容。怎样才能写出好文章呢? 请给大学生一些建议。3 In this

3、section, you are asked to write an essay based on the following information. Make comments and express your own opinion. You should write at least 150 words.在考试中作弊,这在大学时有发生,对学生和社会都有害。我们应如何杜绝这一现象?4 In this section, you are asked to write an essay based on the following information. Make comments and

4、express your own opinion. You should write at least 150 words.当人们回忆他们的大学生活时,大多数人都认为那是很有价值的一段经历。大学生活在每个人眼里有不同的价值。你的看法如何?考研英语二(作文)模拟试卷 37 答案与解析Part BDirections: Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following information. (20 points)1 【正确答案】 In the old times, when students got bored in a class,

5、 they could do nothing but sleep or chat through the class. Now, they could simply take out their mobile phones and enjoy whatever wonders mobile phones present. Negative as it may sound, the presence of mobile phone, if used properly, is actually beneficial to college students.First of all, with ad

6、vanced apps and software, mobile phones could be the very platform for immersible learning. Useful information is actually one touch away and it can be “pushed“ to cell phones and stored for intensive study. Second, mobile phone, with Internet access, could be a walking encyclopedia, always ready to

7、 impart knowledge. This is especially helpful for discovery learning in class. The hands-on learning experience is not only beneficial but also fun, which is a way better than the teacher preaching in the lectern.In conclusion, mobile phones should be allowed in class, as they could serve as a usefu

8、l tool for discovery and immersible learning.【试题解析】 本题要求考生对“该不该在课堂上使用手机”提出个人的意见。按照题目的要求,全文可以安排如下:第一段从学生上课用手机解闷入题,指出如果手机用得妥当,对于大学生是有帮助的。第二段阐述原因:其一,手机装上了先进的应用和软件就能变成浸入式学习的平台。其二,能上网的手机就像一个活百科全书,有助发现式的学习。第三段总结全文。【知识模块】 短文写作2 【正确答案】 College students are no strangers to term paper and writing assignment,

9、but they are also very familiar with the anxiety incurred by the thought of writing. Actually, to write a good essay requires two steps: read extensively and think actively.First of all, reading extensively enables students to be sensitive with dictions and rhetoric. Usually, students complain that

10、they cannot find the right words to express their feelings or thoughts. This problem could be solved by immersing oneself in a wealth of reading materials. Second, reading without thinking is like sailing without a compass. While reading, you have to constantly think how the author comes to the conc

11、lusion. The more you think about what you read, the more skillful you are in analyzing problems.In conclusion, to write a good composition is making a delicious dish. Reading extensively gives you a lot of ingredients, while thinking actively tells you how to produce the flavor.【试题解析】 本题要求考生对“如何写出好文

12、章”提出个人的意见。按照题目的要求,全文可以安排如下:第一段从学生的写作焦虑人题指出写好作文需要两个步骤:广泛阅读和积极思考。第二段阐述原因:其一,广泛阅读能提高学生对措辞和修辞的敏感度。其二,阅读时候思考的重要性:阅读而不思考就像在海上航行而不带指南针。第三段总结全文。【知识模块】 短文写作3 【正确答案】 Cheating is a prevalent issue that troubles university administrators and teachers. To stop cheating behavior in exams, I think we should enact

13、some stringent regulations and assure the enforcement.First of all, the cost of cheating in some universities is quite low, which deters no students from doing some monkey business. Cheaters, if exposed, are merely required to resit the exam and this penalty is too minimal to be effective. If more s

14、trict regulations are enacted, cheaters will face dire consequences, such as getting expelled from school or disqualification of obtaining a diploma. No students in their right mind will risk their academic future to cheat in exams. Second, university authorities should assure their enforcement. No

15、law is perfect without proper enforcement. An anti-cheating committee, comprising student representatives, faculty members and administrative staff, should be set up to check up potential cheaters.In conclusion, stringent laws and regulations should be imposed, and rigorous enforcement should be car

16、ried out to stop the cheating in exams.【试题解析】 本题要求考生对“如何杜绝考试作弊”提出个人的意见。按照题目的要求,全文可以安排如下:第一段指出应该颁布更严厉的规章,并要保证执行。第二段阐述原因:其一,作弊的代价太低,无法扼制学生在考试时出猫腻。其二,大学应确保他们执法力度,成立“反作弊委员会”直接向“学术委员会”汇报。第三段总结全文:施行严厉的法规,辅以有力的执法,这样有助于制止作弊行为。【知识模块】 短文写作4 【正确答案】 University is where we gain knowledge and friends that both be

17、nefit our future life. But as far as I am concerned, the value of university life is that I gradually master the wisdom of choice.First of all, university provides a wide range of choices for us and we have to learn how to judge wisely. As a university student, we are familiar with the feeling of be

18、ing overwhelmed by choices: which selective courses to pick, which societies to join or even who to make friends with. We might need to solicit information from junior and senior students to make an informed choice. Or sometimes, we just have to take a leap of faith and learn the lesson, whether it

19、is in a hard way or not. Secondly, the choosing sharpens our analytical skill. The more choices we make, the more analysis we have to perform, and the better our analytical skill will get.In conclusion, the value of university life is the wisdom of choice, which makes us intelligent and discerning.【试题解析】 本题要求考生对“大学生活的价值”提出个人的意见。按照题目的要求,全文可以安排如下:第一段从大学生活人题,指出大学生活的价值在于能掌握选择的智慧。第二段阐述原因:其一,大学为我们提供一系列的选择,我们不得不学会理智地判断。其二,选择能磨练我们的分析能力。第三段总结全文:大学生活的价值在于得到选择的智慧,让我们变得聪明、懂得甄别。【知识模块】 短文写作


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