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1、考研英语(阅读)模拟试卷 201 及答案与解析Part ADirections: Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. (40 points)0 Using only a few computers, researchers at the federal Idaho National Laboratory managed to launch a cyberattack that crippled an electricity generator

2、earlier this year. The test, performed on a replica of common power plant control systems that operate over the Internet, tricked the machine into operating at levels that caused it to smoke and then destroy itself. Funded bythe Department of Homeland Security (DHS), this was an unsettling demonstra

3、tion of how vulnerable Americas critical infrastructure is to online assaults.As early as this week, the Bush administration is expected to request significant new funding to ratchet up its cybersecurity efforts. Under a new initiative, a broad set of federal agencies would coordinate the monitoring

4、 and defense of government networks, as well as private systems that operate key services like electricity, telecommunications, and banking. But officials are divided over how much of the program, which will be run by DHS, to discuss publicly because of the sizable involvement of U.S. intelligence a

5、gencies.The sensitivity also reflects how officials increasingly view cybersecurity as a national security concern, with threats coming not only from whiz-kid hackers but also foreign intelligence agencies and militaries. The nations computer networks “are under persistent attack now,“ warns Joel Br

6、enner, the nations top counterintelligence official.In just the past year, officials reported that the number of cyberattacks on government computer networks more than doubled. “The adversaries are becoming more nimble, more focused, and more sophisticated in their attempts to exploit our vulnerabil

7、ities,“ says a DHS source. But in some ways, the private networks that operate critical infrastructure could be even more vulnerable. “There is no government entity that can require cybersecurity controls be put in place in the private sector,“ says Rep. Jim Langevin, chairman of a House cybersecuri

8、ty subcommittee.Currently, the governments leading experts in cybersecurity, who work at the supersecret National Security Agency (NSA), are responsible only for guarding classified networks. As first reported in the Baltimore Sun, the new effort envisages expanding NSAs cyberdefense efforts to uncl

9、assified government systems and private industry. The proposal, however, has sparked some concerns about privacy, because defending networks is such an invasive process. “In order to defend the cyberspace on which these critical systems depend, we have to be able to both monitor and control them,“ s

10、ays Sami Saydjari, a former NSA official who runs the Cyber Defense Agency, a private consulting firm. “Thats an intelligence system, and one could use that intelligence system for good or for evil.“1 The cyberattack launched at the federal Idaho National Laboratory is used to show(A)the vulnerabili

11、ty of Americas key infrastructures to cyberattacks.(B) the weakness of Bush administrations cybersecurity efforts.(C) the vulnerability of US infrastructures to online criticism.(D)the inability of the Department of Homeland Security.2 U.S. officials have elevated cybersecurity to a national concern

12、 most probably because(A)it has turned into a sensitive issue in America.(B) the Bush administration has upgraded its cybersecurity efforts.(C) U.S. computer networks are under various threats.(D)it has triggered some controversy in U.S. public.3 According to Paragraph 4, the private networks(A)will

13、 be as vulnerable as government computer networks.(B) are faced with more focused and sophisticated adversaries.(C) have acquired cybersecurity controls from government entities.(D)may suffer more attacks for lack of proper cybersecurity controls.4 Sami Saydjaris comments suggest that(A)cyberdefense

14、 is an unsolvable dilemma.(B) expansion of cyberdefense efforts will invade personal privacy.(C) the cyberspace should be defended at any cost.(D)proper measures be taken to best utilize the intelligence system.5 Which of the following is the best title for this text?(A)A High-Tech Achilles Heel(B)

15、A High-Tech Forbidden Fruit(C) Cyberdefense: Double-edged Sword(D)Cyberattacks: The Trojan Horse5 Dieting, according to an old joke, may not actually make you live longer, but it sure feels that way. Nevertheless, evidence has been accumulating since the 1930s that calorie restrictionreducing an ani

16、mals energy intake below its energy expenditureextends lifespan and delays the onset of age-related diseases in rats, dogs, fish and monkeys. Such results have inspired thousandsof people to put up with constant hunger in the hope of living longer, healthier lives. They have also led to a search for

17、 drugs that mimic the effects of calorie restriction without the pain of going on an actual diet.Amid the hype (intensive publicity), it is easy to forget that no one has until now shown that calorie restriction works in humans. That omission, however, changed this month, with the publication of the

18、 initial results of the first systematic investigation into the matter. This study, known as CALERIE (Comprehensive Assessment of Long-term Effects of Reducing Intake of Energy), was sponsored by Americas National Institutes of Health. It took 48 men and women aged between 25 and 50 and assigned the

19、m randomly to either a control group or a calorie-restriction regime. Those in the second group were required to cut their calorie intake for six months to 75% of that needed to maintain their weight.The CALERIE study is a landmark in the history of the field, because its subjects were either of nor

20、mal weight or only slightly overweight. Previous projects have used individuals who were clinically obese, thus confusing the unquestionable benefits to health of reducing obesity with the possible advantages of calorie restriction to the otherwise healthy.At a molecular level, CALERIE suggests thes

21、e advantages are real. For example, those on restricted diets had lower insulin resistance and lower levels of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol. They showed drops in body temperature and blood-insulin levelsboth phenomena that have been seen in long-lived, calorie-restricted animals. They also su

22、ffered less oxidative damage to their DNA.Eric Ravussin, of Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge, who is one of the studys authors, says that such results provide support for the theory that calorie restriction produces a metabolic adaptation over and above that which would be expected from wei

23、ght loss alone. Nevertheless, such metabolic adaptation could be the reason why calorie restriction is associated with longer lifespans in other animalsand that is certainly the hope of those who, for the past 15 years, have been searching for ways of triggering that metabolic adaptation by means ot

24、her than semi-starvation.6 The evidence since the 1930s has inspired people to(A)live longer and healthier.(B) invent a calorie-restricting drug.(C) believe in calorie restriction.(D)get rid of constant hunger.7 Which of the following is true about the CALERIE study?(A)It proves that calorie restric

25、tion works in humans.(B) It has 24 male subjects and the same number of female ones.(C) It is the first investigation into the effects of calorie restriction.(D)It lasted for six months and had the final results published.8 What makes the CALERIE study a significant one in the field?(A)It used the s

26、ubjects of both genders and different ages.(B) It selected people of normal weight as the subjects.(C) It rectified the misconception of dieting.(D)It was systematic in research method and based on evidence.9 By saying “CALERIE suggests these advantages are real (Line 1, Paragraph 4)“, the author is

27、 dealing with the results of the study from a(A)general view.(B) subjective view.(C) macro view.(D)micro view.10 It can be inferred from the last paragraph that(A)the metabolic adaptation solely resulted from weight loss.(B) the metabolic adaptation can be achieved by dieting.(C) semi-starvation was

28、 seen as an effective means for weight loss.(D)people had no idea about the metabolic adaptation before CALERIE.10 Researchers in the field of artificial intelligence have long been intrigued by games, and not just as a way of avoiding work. Gaines provide an ideal setting to explore important eleme

29、nts of the design of cleverer machines, such as pattern recognition, learning and planning. They also hold out the tantalizing possibility of fame and fortune should the program ever beat a human champion.Ever since the stunning victory of Deep Blue, a program running on an IBM supercomputer, over G

30、ary Kasparov, then world chess champion, in 1997, it has been clear that computers would dominate that particular game. Today, though, they are pressing the attack on every front. There is one game, however, where humans still reign supreme Go. Yet here too their grip is beginning to loosen.Go was i

31、nvented more than 2,500 years ago in China. It is a strategic contest in which two players take turns to place stones on the intersections of a grid with 19 lines on each side. Each player tries to stake out territory and surround his opponent. The rules are simple but the play is extraordinarily co

32、mplex. During a game, some stones will “die“, and some will appear to be dead but spring back to life at an ill-timed moment. It is often difficult to say who is winning right until the end.Deep Blue beat Mr. Kasparov using the “brute force“ technique. Rather than search for the best move in a given

33、 position, the computer considers all whites moves, and all blacks possible replies, and all whites replies to those replies, and so on for, say, a dozen turns. The resulting map of possible moves has millions of branches. The computer combs through the possible outcomes and plays the one move that

34、would give its opponent the fewest chances of winning. Unfortunately, brute force will not work in Go. First, the game has many more possible positions than chess does. Second, the number of possible moves from a typical position in Go is about 200, compared with about a dozen in chess. Finally, eva

35、luating a Go position is fiendishly difficult. The fastest programs can assess just 50 positions a second, compared with 500,000 in chess.In the past two decades researchers have explored several alternative strategies with indifferent results. Now, however, programmers are making impressive gains w

36、ith a technique known as the Monte Carlo method. Given a position, a program using a Monte Carlo algorithm contemplates every move and plays a large number of random games to see what happens. If it wins in 80% of those games, the move is probably good.Otherwise, it keeps looking. The result is a ne

37、w generation of fast programs that play particularly well on small versions of the Go board.11 According to Paragraph 1, computer games could(A)promote the researches of human intelligence.(B) help researchers avoid work.(C) serve to improve the program designing.(D)bring fame and fortune to the hum

38、an champion.12 The victory of Deep Blue shows that(A)the chess game is too simple for computers to play.(B) the supercomputer is very good at calculation.(C) computers will dominate every front of games.(D)humans should prepare for the attack of computers.13 Which of the following statements is true

39、 according to Paragraph 3?(A)Go was a strategic contest invented in China long ago.(B) Stones of Go could be placed on everywhere of a grid.(C) The play of Go is too complex to win.(D)People often dont know who wins a play of Go.14 The word “fiendishly“ (Line 8, Paragraph 4) most probably means(A)as

40、toundingly.(B) unexpectedly.(C) oddly.(D)extremely.15 It can be inferred from the text that(A)human beings dominant position in Go board starts to shake.(B) computer program will randomly choose a step to see what happens.(C) Monte Carlo method is much cleverer than other programs.(D)computers could

41、 become great competitors to human beings.15 A few years back, many hospitals in America were embarrassed by revelations that some of their neediest patients, the uninsured, were being charged the most. These patients were getting slammed with the full list price for health care while those with ins

42、urance got negotiated discounts. The outcry prompted congressional hearings and state inquiries. All not-for-profit hospitalsin Illinois have adopted voluntary guidelines, set by the Illinois Hospital Association, to dole out free or discounted care.But Illinois attorney general Lisa Madigan says th

43、ats not nearly enough. Madigan announced recently that most Illinois hospitals spend less than 1 percent on charitable care. She proposed that hospitals be required by law to spend at least 8 percent of their operating costs on charity: free health care, community clinics. This is a terrible idea Fo

44、r startersamazing as this may soundMadigan hasnt calculated how much this law would cost hospitals. No overall cost, nor the cost to any single hospital in the state.The Illinois Hospital Association says her bill would require 133 hospitals to spend $739 million more a year on charity care. That, t

45、he IHA says, would push 45 of those hospitals into the red, and 28 hospitals that already operate at a loss would be pushed closer to bankruptcy. Madigan disputes those figures.How did Madigan settle on the magic 8 percent? She cites her offices investigation of hospitals and a task force she conven

46、ed. But the task force didnt issue a report and may never do so. She all but acknowledges that her claim that Illinois hospitals provide a miserly 1 percent in charitable care isnt the whole story. That figure excludes much of what hospitals absorb, including the gap between what they spend on Medic

47、aid patients and what they receive for that care. The IHA argues convincingly that mandating a high percentage of revenues to be spent on free care ignores the reality that many hospitals operate in the red. Draining more money would weaken hospitalsand encourage cost-cutting in nursing care, equipm

48、ent or other essentials.Why are we talking about charitable giving by hospitals, as opposed to muffler shops, fast-food restaurants or beauty salons? Because most hospitals are tax-exempt by law: They dont pay any federal, state or local taxes. In return, theyre required to provide services to the n

49、eedy. But the law doesnt say exactly how much.So they do have a charitable obligation. And some hospitalseven some not-for-profit hospitals have hefty revenues. Its useful to see how much theyre giving back to their communities. But the hospitals also have an obligation to stay solvent. No one profits when a hospital closes its doors. Madigans proposed mandate carries too much risk.16 Many American hospitals were troubled by the exposure of the fact that(A)some of their neediest patients were uninsured.(B) the patients were interfering with their d


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