Theory Highlights- of Quark Matter 2004.ppt

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1、Theory Highlights* of Quark Matter 2004,Ralf Rapp Texas A&M UniversityOakland, 17.01.04,* biased and incomplete, apologies for omissions,1.Introduction: Exploring the Phase Diagram,Bulk Properties: Equation of StatePhase Transitions: (Pseudo-) Order Parameters Microscopic Properties: Spectral Functi

2、ons,2.) QCD Theory Color-Super-Conductor ; Chiral vs. DeconfinementLattice: Critical Point, Charmonium 3.) QCD Bulk Properties at RHIC Color-Glass Condensate Opacity, Thermalization Quark Coalescence vs. Hydro HBT “Puzzle” 4.) Microscopic Probes of QCD Matter Resonance Spectroscopy E.M. Emission (Ph

3、otons) Charm/onium 5.) Conclusions,Outline,2.1 Colorsuperconductivity and Compact Stars,color+charge neutral u,d,s,e matter Ms key parameter,2,4,gCFL,CFL,2SC,g2SC,Normal,Ms2/(mD),Ms-asym 1 d-s pair gapless,Rajagopal,2.2 Confinement vs. Chiral Symmetry Breaking,Order Parameters:Chiral Symmetry (mq0):

4、 qq (quark condensate)Deconfinement (mq): L (Polyakov loop) at C: ms0 at D: mG0,Mixing of s-Meson and 0+ Glueball connects qq and L,Fukushima,Mocsy: loop effects entangle L and qq,QCD,2.3 QCD Lattice for GSI: The Critical Point,Quark Number Susceptibility at mq0 Karsch,Redlich,Ejiri, mB,c 400 MeV (F

5、odor+Katz: 700MeV ),Friman,2.4 QCD Lattice for RHIC: Charmonia Karsch,Ry,suggests boundstates at T1.5Tcreduced open-charm threshold?,Spectral Functions,J/y, hc up to 2Tcc dissolves close to Tc,Asakawa,Datta,J/Y,3.1 Initial: CGC 3.2 QGP : Opacity 3.3 QGP : Thermalization (nonpert?) 3.4 Tc : Quark Coa

6、lescence vs. Hydro 3.5 Tfo : HBT “Puzzle”,3.) QCD Bulk Properties at RHIC,3.1 Pre-Equilibrium: Color Glass Condensate?,Look forward in d-Au,GLV works quantitatively, incl.- d-Au (+away-side broad.)- re-app. in-plane away-side jet- connection to DISVitev,Majumder,Salgado,Accardi,Barnafldi,Povh eini 2

7、0 GeV/fm3Greiner : absorpt. of colorless“prehadrons” ; problems: - v2 of supp.+bulk, - SPS ?!,3.2 Opacity of QCD Matter: High-pt Frontier,Notes: - non-jet baryon/meson for pT 6 GeV - where does RAA rise again? LHC?!,3.3 Thermalization and Nonperturbative QGP,early thermalization Hydro v0,1,2,4,Corre

8、ctions: Hirano,Heinz,Gavin,Resonant qq , qg , gg “meson” rescattering ?,3.4 Hydro vs. Coalescence: The 2-6GeV Regime,v2: mass-dependent But: p/p(4GeV)0.3PHENIX: 10.15,Hirano,Nara,Challenges: p/p=1 + jet correlation , f elliptic flow,3.5 HBT “Puzzle”,Hydro/Transport models overpredict (Rout)2=D(xout

9、,xout) - 2D(xout ,bt t) + D(bt t,bt t),Kapusta,Wong: incl. quant. phases in rescatt. initial size?!,Multiphase Transport Model Lin+Ko,positive Rout - t correlation (not in Hydro, UrQMD ),Potential Remedies:,Teaney: viscosity in hydro,4.) Microscopic Probes of QCD Matter,4.1 Hadronic In-Medium Effect

10、s: Resonances and Chem. Freezeout 4.2 E.M. Emission 4.3 Charm/onium,4.1 Resonance Spectroscopy at RHIC,r pp, D pN, tr,D1.5fm/c, Tfo110MeV,From Thermal to Chemical Freezeout,at Tc 175MeV : Chiral Restoration! chiral partners must degenerate (m and G): ps , ra1 , NN* (or: prL Harada ) Substantial medi

11、um modifications required(supported by CERES dileptons, r e+e-),Challenge: Reconcile with chem. f.o. systematics !?( la Braun-Munzinger+Stachel etal, ) Optimistic: measure (and calculate!)a1 p g , N*(1535) N h,4.2 Direct Photons and Dileptons,Sources:Initial hard scatt.: Drell-Yan / Compton (tag jet

12、s! Gale)Pre-equilibrium: Radiation off jets Gale ,rescatt.+fragment. of secondaries (parton cascade Bass)Thermal:,Im em(M,q),Im em(q0=q),chemical off-equilibrium:QGP: lq,g 1HG: mp,K, 0,Niemi,Moore,Direct Photons at SPS and RHIC,large “pre-equilibrium” yield from parton cascade (no LPM)thermal yields

13、 consistentQGP undersaturation small effect,pQCD Cronin 0 T0205MeV sufficientnew WA98 points:pp-Bremsstr. via soft s ?,Turbide etal,PHENIX preliminary,4.3 Charm I: Open Charm (Central A-A),(i) Yields RHIC: -30% for h=02: CGC Tuchin, Color-Dipole Raufeisen LHC: CGC: Npart ; nonlin. DGLAP: enhanced! K

14、olhinen (ii) pT-SpectradE/dx : Null Effect?! Djordjevic,v2(e) : Thermalization?!, RHIC central: Ncc10-20, QCD lattice: J/ys to 2Tc,4.3 Charm II: Charmonium,Regeneration in QGP / at TcJ/y + g c + c + X,PBM etal, Thews etal,-,If c-quarks thermalize:,5. Conclusions,Produced Matter at RHIC is Dense (opacity) Thermalized (hydro) probably nonperturbative (resonances,),Microscopic probes required to assess the phase transition,Need to find broad consensus on signatures to go beyond circumstantial evidence from the SPS,


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