1、Interacting: the interpersonal metafunction,4.1 Introduction,Its known that the main purpose of communicating is to interact with other people: to establish and manintain appropriate social links with them.Here, we will be looking at some of the most important lexico-grammatical systems which we rel
2、y on to express our messages in such a way that our hearers have a good chance of understanding why we are saying something to them.,4.2 Roles of addressers and audience,The most fundamental purposes in any exchange are, of course, giving (and taking) or demanding (and being given) a commodity of so
3、me kind.,4.3 Mood,The structure of the Mood Idenfying subject and finite Meanings of subject and finite Mood in clauses The residue Modal Adjuncts,The Structure of the Mood,According to Halliday, the clause can be divided into two parts: mood and residue.The mood consists of two parts: subject and f
4、inite.,Idenfying Subject and Finite,Subject: The Subject is a familiar term from traditional grammar, although it should be remembered that here it is being reinterpreted in functional terms. Finite: the first functional element of the verbal group. express tense: be, have, do, be as the marker of p
5、assive voice express modality: can, may, could, might, must, should to, ought to,Examples,1. Some may have heard the shot. You can imagine her reaction. 2. by adding a tag question,Examples,3. It and there as subject 4. the nominal group as subjecte.g.The loss of his fathers fortune and his fathers
6、subsequent death, along with the general decline in the familys circumstances, decrease the number of servents in the household dont they?,Examples,5.it and the embedded clause both as subjectIn general, however, it is best to modernize only the spelling.It has been found that a significant number o
7、f children turn up at school being able to read.It was Grice who spoke next.It is this latter question which is often ignored.,Meanings of subject and finite,The subject is the entity on which the validity of the clause rests. The basic function of the Finite is to orient the listener towards the ki
8、nd of validity being claimed for the proposition, by relating it either to the here-and-now reality of the speech event or to the speakers attitude towards the proposition. Either of these options may be expressed in positive or negative terms.,Meanings of subject and finite,The importance and the r
9、elative detachability of the Mood within the meaning of the clause in English is shown by the fact that it can be used as a counter for the whole proposition in responses (No, she wasnt), demands for acceptance of validity through tags (wasnt she?), and so on. In interpersonal terms, the Mood is the
10、 core of the exchange: the rest of the clause merely fills in the details.,Mood in declarative clauses,Subject-Finite relationship: Subject Finite Meaning/function: to state (to give information),In yes/no interrogative clauses,Subject-Finite relationship: Finite Subject Meaning/function: polar ques
11、tion. It is primarily the polarity of the message that the speaker wants the listener to specify.,In WH-interrogative with known Subject,Subject-Finite relationship: Finite Subject Meaning/function: content question. The primary purpose is to demand that the listener fill in the missing part of the
12、message, and the WH-element signals which part is missing.,In WH-interrogative with WH-elements as Subject,Subject-Finite relationship: Subject Finite Meaning/function: content question. The missing message is WH-subject.,In Exclamative Clauses,Subject-Finite relationship: Subject Finite Meaning/fun
13、ction: to state (to give information). But the information given is a kind of strong emotions, like anger, surprise, joy etc. Exclamatives are included as a sub-type of declaratives,In Imperative Clause,Lets is interpreted as a wayward form of the Subject you and I. S-F relationship: no S or F, S on
14、ly or F only, F S. Meaning/function: it demands goods and services. A command is absolute and not open to negotiation.,The Residue,Predicator Complement Adjunct,Predicator,Predicator: the part of the verbal group that is not the mood Functions of Predicator: 1)to express the process2)to specify seco
15、ndary tense3)to specify various other aspects of the process4)to specify the voice,Functions of Predicator,The Predicator expresses the process - the action, happening, state, etc, in which the Subject is involved. e.g. Tom kissed Mary. 2) The predicator specifies secondary tense, that is, time refe
16、rence other than the immediate link to the time of speaking. e.g. Oh, well have finished by six oclock for sure.,Functions of Predicator,3) The Predicator specifies various other aspects of the process, such as starting, trying, achieving or continuing the process. e.g. He has managed to charge visi
17、tors for admission to the churches. 4) The Predicator specifies the voice: active or passive. e.g. Another diplomat had been shot in Paris.,Complement,The term includes both Objects and Complements in the more traditional sense. It is an element typically realized by nominal group, which could have
18、been chosen as Subject, but was not. e.g. He brought her pamphlets on the Middle East situation. She was brought pamphlets on the Middle East situation . Pamphlets on the Middle East situation were brought. The strongest shape is the triangle. The triangle is the strongest shape.,Complement,However,
19、 there is one exception. There is one kind of Complement which can not become Subject. That is the Attribute in a relational process. e.g. Interviewing politicians is always entertaining. Its fleet was white as snow.,Adjunct,The role of Adjunct is typically performed by an adverbial group or preposi
20、tional phrase. e.g. He was lying on his back. On the following day he did not go out early. three types of Adjunct: 1)Circumstantial Adjunct2)Conjunctive Adjunct3)Modal Adjunct,Circumstantial Adjunct,The Adjuncts contribute to the experiential meaning of the clause-they tell us things like when, or
21、how, or where, or why the event happened. When we deal with the clause from the experimental perspective, we shall be calling these circumstances; and we can use the term Circumstantial Adjunct here to differentiate them from the other two kinds. Circumstantial Adjuncts are not regarded as playing a
22、ny part in the interpersonal meaning of the clause, and thus they do not form part of the Mood.,Conjunctive Adjunct,Conjunctive Adjuncts have function of signalling how the clause as a whole fits in with the preceding text. The meanings that they express are textual meanings. Conjunctive Adjuncts ar
23、e not regarded as playing any part in the interpersonal meanings of the clause, and thus they do not form part of the Mood.,Modal Adjunct,1)Comment Adjuncts: They typically comment on the clauses as a whole rather than give circumstantial information about the event, and they are often separated fro
24、m the rest of the clause by commas. e.g. Unfortunately, I did not meet Kate there or later in my life 2)Mood Adjuncts: They express meaning associated with tense (e.g. already), polarity (e.g. never), modality (e.g. maybe), etc e.g. They usually do not open before ten. Both types of Modal Adjunct -
25、Mood and Comment - are included in Mood.,Modal Adjunct,4.4 Modality,Polarity Modality Types of Modality Modal responsibility Modality in text,Polarity,Polarity is a basic part of the meaning. It also means a message is either positive or negetive. There is a specific grammatical structure, the yes/n
26、o interrogative, whose primary function is precisely to enquire the polarity of a message. Polarity may also be expressed through Mood Adjuncts such as never or hardly.(see the following table) Polarity can also be expressed by complement.e.g. He has said nothing to me about that.,Modality,However,
27、semantically these are also intermediate stages - points between yes and no, such as maybe or sometimes or supposedly, which are expressed by modality. A simple starting definition of modality is that it is the space between yes and no.,Types of Modality,Modalization: If the commodity being exchange
28、d is information, the modality relates to how valid the information is being expressed as in terms of probability(how likely it is to be true) or usuality (how frequently it is true). e.g. The child might be hers. She often went there.Modulation: However, if the commodity is goods-and-services, the
29、modality relates to how confident the speaker can appear to be in the eventual success of the exchange. In commands, this concerns the degree of obligation on the other person to carry out the command, whereas in offers it concerns the degree of willingness or inclination of the speaker to fulfill t
30、he offer. e.g. You should go now. Ill give you a hand.,Modal responsibility,The term implicit is used when the modality is expressed in the same clause as the main proposition, while explicit is used when it is expressed in a separate clause.,Modality in text,Any modality (unless it is reported as c
31、oming from someone else) is a sign that i some way th espeaker is expressing a personal view rather than objective fact. In conversation, speakers frequently employ modalization to show politeness towards the other person. In newspaper leaders - articles expressing the newspapers view on a current e
32、vent. In novels or stories, writers often use modality very subtly to indicate that we are seeing events not from the point of view of an omniscient narrator but from that of a character within the story.,4.5Appraisal,Appraisal can be simply defined as the indication of whether the speaker thinks th
33、at something is good or bad.Affect: whether the emotional response is realis(to do with the here-and-now) or irrealis(to do with possible future states). Judgement: evaluate people in terms of social esteem(broadly to do with socaial behavioour) and social sanction(broadly to do with moral qualities ). Appreciation: reaction(how it struck me) and composition(how it was made up).Affect fouses on the feelings of the appraiser, whereas Judgements and Appreciation focus on the qualities of the appraised.,