
lding.(分数:2.00)A.the; theB.a; aC.a; theD.the; a2.Would you please_the paper for me and see if there are any obvious mistakes?(分数:2.00)A.look aroundB.l


1、lding.分数:2.00A.the; theB.a; aC.a; theD.the; a2.Would you pleasethe paper for me and see if there are any obvious mistake。

2、t let me drive. If we in turn, you so tired.分数:2.00A.drove, didnt getB.drove; wouldnt getC.were driving; wouldnt getD.ha。

3、re; wasB.was; wasC.was; wereD.were; were2.Johnny, youplay with the knife. Youhurt yourself.分数:2.00A.wont; cantB.mustnt; 。

4、would spendD.will spend2.It is time that the governmentmeasures to protect the rare birds and animals.分数:2.00A.takesB.t。

5、 the captain beD.If the captain would have been2.Most insurance agents would rather youanything about collecting claims 。

6、t all speak at once, please.分数:2.00A.Each at one timeB.One by one timeC.One for each timeD.One at a time3.If there were 。

7、erD.that2.Don t worry if you don t understand everything, the teacher willthe main points at the end.分数:2.00A.recoverB.r。

8、B.ThereforeC.MeanwhileD.Otherwise2.There is a great deal of evidencethat music activities engage different parts of the 。

9、 were finished.分数:2.00A.could loseB.would have lostC.might loseD.ought to have lost2.I d just as soonrudely to her.分数:2。

10、heDthe; a2 Would you pleasethe paper for me and see if there are any obvious mistakesAlook aroundB look intoC look upDlo。

11、ad asked the way, Igot lost.分数:2.00A.wouldnt haveB.hadntC.not haveD.won t have3.My mother prepared a special dinner in m。

12、e that the governmentmeasures to protect the rare birds and animals.AtakesB tookC has takenDtaking3 The teacher suggeste。

13、 were2 Johnny, youplay with the knife. Youhurt yourself.Awont; cantB mustnt; mayC shouldnt; mustDcant; shouldnt3 I am so。

14、ld have been2 Most insurance agents would rather youanything about collecting claims until they investigate the situatio。

15、 you so tired.Adrove, didnt getB drove; wouldnt getC were driving; wouldnt getDhad driven; wouldnt have got3 Sarah had 。

16、ase.AEach at one timeB One by one timeC One for each timeDOne at a time3 If there were no examinations, we should have a。

17、on t understand everything, the teacher willthe main points at the end.ArecoverB reviewC requireDremember3 by the advanc。

18、There is a great deal of evidencethat music activities engage different parts of the brain.AindicateB indicatingC to ind。

19、would have lostC might loseDought to have lost2 I d just as soonrudely to her.Athat you wont speakB you not speakingC yo。

20、wouldnt haveB hadntC not haveDwon t have3 My mother prepared a special dinner in mywhen I went back to Hong Kong.Ademand。

标签 > 自考类试卷2013年4月山东省自考英语二真题试卷及答案与解析[编号:344564]

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